Corbett Gram Vikas Samiti
Over the last 15 years our simple community of Chhoti Haldwani has evolved into the Corbett Gram Vikas Samiti. Our inception was as Kumaoni Sanskritik Utthan Manch 2002 to Corbett Dharohar Prabandi Samiti to Corbett Gram Vikas Samiti in 2003. In 2004 it was registered under the societies act and has 80G & 12A certificates. Corbett Gram Vikas Samiti is a registered Non-Government Organization, formed by the community of Chhoti Haldwani in 2002 to realize the dreams of Jim Corbett and follow his principles. It offers nature guide services, heritage walks, bird watching, home-stays, and folk dance & music programs by its members as part of its community based tourism programme.
An important activity of the members of the samiti who have been trained on nature and heritage walks is to conduct the visitors on the various trails in Kaladhungi and Chhoti Haldwani. Visitors going on these trails have to be accompanied by a guide from the samiti at a nominal charge. This fee is distributed amongst the members of the samiti.
The village of Chotti Haldwani completed 100 years in 2015. The community of the village that Corbett once owned remember him fondly till date and to realise his dreams and take his legacy forward have got together to form the Corbett Gram Vikas Samiti(CGVS).